Map Legend

Coverage available
No coverage

Map legend

Coverage available

Coverage here is a combination of 5G, 4G LTE, 3G/2G, and partner networks. Please enter an address or zoom into the map for more info on the specific type of coverage you can expect.

No coverage

We’re constantly working to improve our network, but some areas may have no coverage due to inaccessible landscape, physical barriers, or places where our towers can’t. You may be able to make calls and text anywhere there’s Wi-Fi. Just connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network and it’s all set.

Map legend


4G LTE is the fourth generation of wireless technology. It unlocks the ability to load webpages in an instant, smoother streaming experiences, and covers 99% of Americans.

Capable device required.


3G and 2G are older network technologies with slower speeds than 4G LTE and 5G. These technologies unlocked the simple voice calls and text messaging.

No coverage

We’re constantly working to improve our network, but some areas may have no coverage due to inaccessible landscape, physical barriers, or places where our towers can’t. You may be able to make calls and text anywhere there’s Wi-Fi. Just connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network and it’s all set.